On Friday November 17th, NovaLink invited one of the largest fruit and vegetable suppliers in Matamoros to sell their products to our employees for a substantial discount. Employees purchased in excess of 500 packages of fruits and vegetables saving close to 50% of market rates. Enjoy our gallery of employees taking advantage of the tremendous […]
NAFTA explained by avocados. And shoes.
Everyone hates NAFTA. But what was NAFTA actually supposed to do? Did it deliver on its promise? To understand that, you have to look at America’s relationships with two goods: avocados and shoes.
Why NAFTA Works
John McCain on NAFTA
NAFTA is Critical to the Success of U.S. Textiles
NAFTA is responsible for the integration of textiles production in North America. This has been a major boom for Canada, Mexico, and the United States, and a new study by the Congressional Research Service shows that the U.S. has especially benefited from a consolidated North American textiles market. The United States currently enjoys a bilateral […]